Participant in Editatón: Visibilización de Mujeres Científicas Sociales

October 2020 - December 2020

In commemoration of the Bicentennial of the Independence of Peru, the Faculty of Social Sciences proposes organized the “Editatón” that aimed to rescue the life and work of deceased pioneer women who entered and made important contributions to the development of Peruvian social thought and science usually. Thus, this event set out to write biographies of social scientists from Peru to be published on Wikipedia. I wrote the biography of Professor Janina Léon

Member of Centro de Música y Danza PUCP (CEMDUC)

September 2020 - Present

CEMDUC is the permanent cast of Peruvian music and dance of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) that is made up of members of the university community, made up of students, graduates and / or university workers. Its objective is to complement the humanistic training of its members through knowledge, research, individual and collective practice, and the responsible dissemination of our musical and dance traditions. I am currently part of the CEMDUC dance group.

Member of the Web area at Económica

September 2020 - February 2021

Económica is a student organization made up mainly of students from different cycles of the specialty of economics from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) which aims to be an academic benchmark in economics issues, characterized by its objectivity, impartiality and information quality. The functions that I performed as a member of the web area were to write articles, informative notes and economics notes

External colaborator of the university radio program La Hora Económica

September 2020 - February 2021

La Hora Económica is a local broadcast university radio program (in Huancayo) that is promoted by students from the Faculty of Economics of the Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú (UNCP). As an external contributor, I focused on developing opinion columns on various economic topics each week, which were broadcasted in a section of the radio program.

Member and founder of the social initiative ¡Recicla Chalaco!

June 2020 - August 2020

Social Responsibility Initiative winner of the contest “RSU Student Initiatives Fund in response to COVID- 19 ”organized by the Dirección Académica de Responsabilidad Social (DARS) - PUCP. Recicla Chalaco seeks to strengthen capacities in safety, occupational health and promote spaces for socio-emotional containment in the context of Covid-19 for recyclers from the Association of Recyclers ATRIMAC. My job was to prepare the content of the learning modules and call the recyclers weekly as a follow-up.

Volunteer in Hinchas de la Conservación

August 2019 - August 2020

Hinchas de la Conservación is a volunteer that seeks to inform about the importance of the Protected Natural Areas of Peru (PNA) through artistic activities such as: clown, puppet show, percussion, plastic arts, among others. As a volunteer I informed about the importance of NAPs through music.

Member of the collective Jóvenes Peruanos frente al Cambio Climático

August 2019 - Present

JPCC is collective that promotes effective and visible youth participation. JPCC is made up of young people from Peruvian civil society who have come together through a unique space to work cooperatively against climate change in our country. I am currently collaborating in the local advocacy team where we seek generate environmental advocacy proposals at the political level and community levels.

Participant of the project Suyay

April 2019 - July 2019

Suyay is a platform promoted by the group Jóvenes Peruanos Frente al Cambio Climático (JPCC) that sought to include young people in environmental governance through proposals for local environmental policies. My group and I designed a project called “Ecohogares”, aimed at the average inhabitant of the Pueblo Libre district - Lima, this had the objective of evaluating consumption patterns within the home and giving recommendations for environmentally responsible practices.

Organizer of the Coloquio de Estudiantes de Economía PUCP

January 2019 - May 2019

Coloquio de Estudiantes de Economía PUCP that aims to disseminate economic science, share academic researchs and generate debate. I collaborated with the coordination for the realization of the event.

Secretary of University Social Responsability at Centro Federado de Ciencias Sociales PUCP

January 2019 - August 2019

Secretary of University Social Responsibility, this secretariat aims to promote social responsibility in the Faculty of Social Sciences. I developed a volunteer plan, blood donation campaigns, support for other social student initiatives, and organization of events. Likewise, my position made me have influence and political decision within my faculty and university.

Youth environmental promoter - Ministry of the Environment (MINAM)

December 2018 - May 2019

Member and founder of Coaliación Verde

March 2018 - March 2019

Coalición Verde is a strategic alliance of environmental organizations within PUCP with the aim of including students in decision-making on campus environmental management. I delimited the profile of the organization, led and facilitated meetings.

Organizer and facilitator of Hackathon of the World Bicycle Forum 7

February 2018

Hackathon of the World Bicycle Forum was a platform to develop innovative solutions to promote sustainable mobility in Lima. My job was to co-design a development strategy for the Hackathon and facilitate the event.

Volunteer in Warmi Rock Camp

February 2018

Warmi Rock Camp is a non-profit program where, through music education and tutoring, it is sought that girls and young people build a healthy self-esteem, empower themselves and find their own voice. I collaborated as a logistics assistant and assistant of the camp.

Organizer of the international volunteer of World Bicycle Forum 7

January - February 2018

World Bicycle Forum is a gathering of world cyclists who meet every year to share about the practice of urban cycling and encourage the use of bicycles. My work was to develop a volunteer program, do the call for volunteers, carry out the program and follow up.

Volunteer in ADEA

March 2017 - August 2017

Student initiative in defense of animals carries out events to raise awareness in the PUCP community about the care of animals. I helped in the organization of some events

Volunteer, Member, Sub Coordinatior, General Coordinator and Advisor of RUA Perú PUCP

March 2017 - August 2020

RUA Perú PUCP aims to create agents of environmental change responsible in the PUCP through events, project development, spread of information and enviromental friendly actitudes. I did work as logistics member, sub coordinator, general coordinator and advisor.

Member of the NGO

January 2021- Present